Recent Product Photography 2017

Here at All Is Light, we’re real all-rounders when it comes to the range of work we cover. We have a diverse and varied client base, and as a result, we’ve become very versatile and adaptable.

Contrary to the accepted wisdom that photographers must specialise in one area, we feel the exact opposite. We offer our services as broadly as we can, within our capabilities. Of course, sometimes those capabilities get stretched and widened by certain jobs too e.g. Client – “can you do this?” Our response – “Sure”,  and then….how the heck are we going to do that? 🙂

If someone comes asking us to do a job, assuming we’re up to it, then we do our very best to create awesome work, that has the magic to it. P.s. we don’t supply anything to a client unless it has magic about it.

We’ve always done product photography over the years, but it hasn’t comprised a large part of what we do. That tends to focus more on people and environments.

In the last couple of months, however, a few of these jobs have come up and I felt it would be good to share ​these on the blog. Some of you may not even know that we do product photography, so here are some examples of what we’ve been up to.

​Miessence offers a range of organic skincare, haircare, body care & cosmetics. A very close friend of mine got in touch to create new product photos for their website. They wanted something clean and fresh, which also showcased the natural ingredients used in their range.

Guilty Pleasure Body is a client that started working with us last year. They are overhauling their website and needed new photos of their products. The brief was to keep it simple and clean. We opted for a white background but with a slight glow coming from underneath.

Your Life Story offer a really great new product to help get families talking with one another. Particularly around the sensitive issues of end of life care, getting affairs in order and funeral preparations. The cards are genius in their simplicity, and ask some very thoughtful questions. I reckon they’d be good for any family, at any stage. Always good to express this sort of thing early and not make it a big deal

I also did some office photography for a client recently, and some of the close-up detail work fits into the product photography category.

Finally this last month I did some art reproduction work on behalf of four lovely ladies that have just had their exhibition in Paddington. I really love this sort of work as it’s a wonderful opportunity to see beautiful artwork up close and personal. It gives the artist a high-quality photo of their work which is good for archiving, but also for making prints, cards or other reproductions The work from all four was quite different and unique, but it worked really well together in the exhibition.

Well, that’s it for now. I will post more product photos from each job below, for you to have a look through.

As always, I love to hear your feelings on what I post, so please let me know in the comments section.

Thanks and see you in the next one.