Brisbane Corporate Headshot on white background

I recently had the pleasure of taking some corporate headshots for WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff in Brisbane city.

These photos will give you a good idea of what to expect should you engage us for your corporate headshots. Maybe your LinkedIn profile needs updating, and frankly who’s doesn’t? (you know who you are) Maybe you just want a great headshot portrait you really love and are OK showing to the world. 

A portrait like this on a white background is simple, clean and very usable across many applications online. I like to shoot with a  simple, flattering light to show the character and essence of the person in the photo. The number one thing to remember with having your portrait taken: be yourself. There is nothing to do. Simply be yourself, claim your awesomeness and let yourself be seen. Often this is easier said than done, so when we shoot we mess around, have some fun, and generally the photos take care of themselves. I’ve found that if we keep things light, then that will be reflected in the quality of the final images.

Corporate headshots are just like any sort of photography for many people.

Most would probably choose a dental visit over the pain of getting in front of a camera.

Brisbane Corporate Headshot on white backgroundFor this reason I always aim to make the experience a fun and enjoyable one.

This is the first time we’ve worked together and the brief was for a lot of people, within a small timeframe and  window of opportunity. That meant it was very tight for time.

I find that if I’m well organised and have a clear plan of what I’m doing, then things flow smoothly and naturally.

A good policy to follow is this: a quick corporate headshot is a good corporate headshot. No-one wants to labour the point by drawing it out and most people are busy . In this particular case, given the time restraints,  I didn’t really have much choice anyway.

We set up a small studio in the board room which worked perfectly. Once you’re setup and the lighting is dialed in, you can forget the gear and get on with the business of connecting with people and making great photos.

I felt the shoot went really well and we captured some great images, which were really reflective of the personalities working at WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff.

I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this  shoot a smooth one and to all those who fronted up and allowed themselves to be seen.

Below are some sample shots to give you an idea of how they came out.  As I mentioned earlier, these are good examples of what you can expect when you engage us to take corporate headshots for your business.

Click here to see other examples of Corporate headshots on my site, and click here to get in touch if you want to book in.

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